I feel like shit today, do you hear me? S-H-I-T!! I don't know if it is the 2 hours of sleep, the finger I should get stitches in but refuse to, the 40 oz. of Rockstar beverage I have consumed or the salad I just ate. What the *F* man!!
On a lighter note, my darling perfect husband will be running yet another marathon this weekend, so do you know what that means?? That's right, I get to be the cheerleader. Rah, rah, rah!! Yah, I suck, so what, shut the hell up!
So this time we are going to Denver. I have been to Denver only once before, and that was to see The Cure. (I bet you would have never guessed, right??) The only things I really remember about the city was it reminded me a lot of Salt lake, only bigger and I got my first speeding ticket there. I even have a picture of me with the bastard cop who pulled me over. Oh, and the other thing I remember is the horrible plane ride on the way back home. My dear friend Kim was a real trooper to put up with me for that one. And the poor guy next to me, oh man. My nails were embedded in his thighs, and not in a sexual or arousing way. It was a pure, "Oh fuck, we are going to die" kind of way. He didn't seem to mind though. Why would he, I was a chick who was giving his upper thigh area some much needed attention. Right on, score for him right?? Oh, I almost forgot the worst part. When the plane finally landed in Salt Lake everyone sitting around me got up and started clapping saying, "We made it!!" To them I say blow me, I thought for sure we were going down and I was panicking!!
This time will no doubt be a super rad time. For starters, we will be there longer, Friday until Monday. Second, if I get scared on the plane I can dig my nails into my husbands thighs, and that is just plain ass HOT!! I am going to dress up like a pirate to cheer him on. Well, it is more like I will be wearing a pirate hat with a see through black shirt showing off my amazing new cleavage I have thanks to my new bra!! It is all an optical illusion my friends-just an illusion. (but a mighty impressive one at that!!)
Did I mention I have had 40 oz. of Rock Star today??