As usual, Gabe and I followed our tradition of making each others Valentines Day gifts. It is our way of not falling for a made up holiday in order to show each other we are in love.
I made him an 'XO Box' that looked like his Xbox that we just shipped away for repairs. I thought he would find it amusing, however, he just thought I was being mean....sad! Well, he did 'technically' follow the rules by making me a macaroni necklace, which is mighty classy I must say. I have been wearing it, and when people stop me and say, "Oh, did your kids make that for you?" I get to grin widely and say, "No, my husband did" They look a little perplexed by my answer. He also gave me a card with a $25.00 itunes card in it (not following the rules) and he made me a tattoo fund jar with $ 75.00 to get my sleeve going. We need to get this bitch done!!!
He cheated, he spent money which is a no-no, but I will accept it, as it came from him, my Romeo.