Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to School-2008 Edition

Nikki and Noah started school on August 20th. Nikki is a high school/college student now,
little Miss Smarty Pants!!
Noah started his new school, Entheos Exploratory Academy. So far it is going great, he really loves the atmosphere, however, he is not too stoked about wearing uniforms.....again.
I know, he needs a little bit of a haircut, it is getting a little shaggy on the top.

Ahhh, how did I reach a point in my life when I have a kid in 'high school'? Seriously, she was just born wasn't she?? She is signed up for drivers ed., that just blows my mind. She is also the age Gabe and I were when we met eachother. Life is crazy I tell ya, flat out bananas.

Well, here we go, another reminder that they are getting older.

Carnivals are for 4 year olds!!

We organized a carnival for the youngsters big day. He is amazing, adorable and too perfect for words. It was a crazy festivity, but I think it turned out great. He seemed to enjoy it, but let's face it, he would have enjoyed anything as long as there was frosting to be had.

Yup, four years old already.....

As always, the cake lady made another masterpiece, 4 dozen cupcakes and a two tiered cake complete with cookie animals

Bounce House, it really is all you need to have a good time.

We had face painting, carnival games, a bounce house, a b.b.q. and a cotton candy machine. Thanks to everyone who helped, I would not have been able to manage all the shit I planned with out my many helpers. I would especially like to thank Meg for telling me that while the older kids were making there arms a big cotton candy stick and swirling it in the machine, Addie was in fact making big mounds of the sweet goodness and piling it in a garbage bag and stashing it in the house. She ALMOST got away with it!!