Here we go again, another year to reflect upon, and resolutions to make for the new year.
First off, I would like to talk about the things I did wrong in 2006.
1- Deciding to build a house. Everyone who knows me is sick of hearing about our house problems, as am I. I am chalking it up to the worst decision I have made. Not just for 2006, but for the entire 31 years I have wondered this Earth. I guess the only consolation is it is just about over, and I can start focusing on my family and getting us back to a normal routine. I know that one day we will look back on this situation and just shake our heads in disbelief. I love our new house, I love that it fits us and that we are going to have awesome memories there.
2- Diet and Exercise. You know, the two most important things to ensure a healthier lifestyle? Well, this year I sucked. I didn't just suck a little, we are talking about full on lock jaw sucking here! It seems so simple, doesn't it? Diet and exercise, eat better, move your body a little. Then why can't I JUST DO IT!!!
3- Lost various items. This one will continue to be on the list year after year. Gabe, I know it is the only flaw you find in me, but dang, what a doozie eh? We won't dwell on this too long, as even I could not possibly remember all the times I lost or left a wallet, cell phone, purse or keys somewhere. Let's hope this year proves to be better.
4- Discovery of certain food items.
Cake Batter Ice Cream from Coldstone
Beto's Breakfast Burritos
Sweet Potato Fries
Diet Pepsi Jazz/Strawberries and Cream and Black Cherry Vanilla
I am sure there are others, but those were the most memorable
My 2007 New Years Resolutions
1- Drink more alcohol. I need to bring up my tolerance level while exploring new beverages that give me a happy feeling.
2- Talk less about my sex life. It only brings others down, and sometimes I feel like I am bragging.
3- Travel more. This one may be hard to make, as our travel budget is pretty much nothing thanks to the new house, but none the less, something I would like to do.
4- Diet and Exercise. Let the cliches live on.
Well, there you have it! 2007 should be a rad ass time.