Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Let the healing begin!

I've got your current home owner right here!

That's right, as of 10:00 a.m., Gabe and I closed on our house. I never thought this day was going to come. We had problems, right up until yesterday when they were trying to get out of paying $4,000.00 toward closing that they agreed to. I am writing a novel of all the things that went wrong with this process, but for some reason, today it doesn't seem to matter. We can start getting our lives back in order, and move forward.

I want to thank everyone for their constant support. Without you guys allowing me to bitch and vent my frustrations, I do not know where I would be. It is so great to know that I am fortunate enough to have such awesome people in my life, you truly rock, each and everyone of you!

As my cousin Katie said, "No house building in 2007...NONE!!"

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