Monday, December 17, 2007

Excited to go to the sneak preview of 'JUNO', but all we got was this lousy t-shirt

I was all excited to go see Juno, as I have been following Diablo Cody ever since Gabe and I bought her book Candy Girl and read it together on a flight back from Virginia almost two years ago. I am very curious to see her take on a teen pregnancy storyline, since, as you know, I myself was a teen parent. I was even more excited to see that it wasn't going to contain the usual after school special drama involving school drop outs, living on the streets, or life wasted by a huge decision too big for most adults, let alone a young kid with their whole future ahead of them.

After coming to the sad realization that we didn't have anyone to watch the boys, Gabe took Addie for a daddy-daughter date. I was jealous, but super excited to hear Gabe's perception of the movie. Well, after several text message exchanges involving the loooong ass line they were in, no fucking hot chocolate left, and free t-shirts, they were anxious to bid me far well as they were the next in line to be seated.

Sold Out, all full.

What the fuck. Seriously, that was a huge disappointment. At least they got free t-shirts. I guess I will have to wait until it hits the big screen. Like I wasn't going to see it there anyways.

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