Tuesday, August 29, 2006

But I wanted to be the next polygamist wife!!

Did you hear they arrested Warren Jeffs, the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ (you know, the Mormons) Okay, the F.L.D.S. is not recognized by the current more popular L.D.S. church. He was on the F.B.I's Ten Most Wanted list and he is just about the dreamiest thing I have ever set eyes on!! Don't deny it ladies, you know how sexy a bad boy is.

But none the less, my dreams have been shattered! I will not be able to be the 41st wife of this church leader, I will not be able to have his children until my uterus can provide life no more, and I sure as hell will not be able to secure my place in heaven since I believe it was my only chance to belong to the 'true' church!


Just in case you need to read the article to know what I am talking about!!


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