Thursday, August 03, 2006

Dang you Rock Star, Daaaaaang YOU!!

Okay, lately I have noticed that two of my bad habits revolve around two words! ROCK STAR! The drink, and the show. What the *f* man!

I love drinking Rock Star, I have convinced myself that unless I have had one of these bubbly beauties, I can not function. Well, the truth is that I barely function with or without it, so I think it is time to wean myself. I need a placebo, something that has no teeth rotting, heart pounding, addicting effect. Hmmmmm.......

Now for Rock Star Supernova. I love this show, LOVE IT!! I get excited for Tuesday and Wednesday nights for this reason alone. I take it personally when the person I love gets in the bottom three ( I love you Toby ) and I love watching people who suck shit and fail. I know that sounds mean, but c'mon, admit it, it's fun. I could never have enough confidence to even attempt something so bold, but there is no harm in laughing at those who SUCK!! I want Dilana to win, but I think it will come down to Dilana, Storm or Lucas. All awesome choices in my opinion. I think Toby would be good too, but I would just like to see more of him period. Shirt off please! It is a guilty pleasure, but every one has one right? Something you like but know that it is dumb?

Well, I am going to get a Rock Star and look at the message boards online to see what they are saying about the performances. Here's to guilty pleasures!!

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