Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Go Vote, and a Birthday Wish

I voted this morning. They have the new electronic voting machines, so I thought I better hurry and get there early because it was going to be a mess. I couldn't have been more wrong. I was in and out with no problems what so ever!! I did accident vote for someone I didn't want to, but I hurried and read the instructions on how to back it out, so it was easily corrected. So, follow my lead and go vote if you haven't already!!

Last, but not least.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!! You are truly one of my favorite people in this world, and you have been more of an inspiration in my life than you will know. You are a great person who deserves great things in life! My birthday wish for you is that the democrats will regain control of the house so our government will stop this downward spiral it is in. I hope it will come true, really I do!! I love you, and I can't wait for our girls night. It will most assuredly be a rad ass time!!

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