Sunday, December 30, 2007
I don't see what anyone else can see in anyone else...but you
The whole teen pregnancy subject has been on my mind a lot lately thanks to a few family members whom I suppose think it is open invitation to take jabs at me even 15 years after the fact. I have been completely down on it, and seeing this movie brought up a few feelings which could not have been predicted. For some reason I could not stop crying. Even at the moments I found funny, I somehow I went back 15 years ago and felt myself experiencing the same thing all over again.
I have a great life. A husband who rules my world, children I adore more than anything, and I know none of it would have been possible without Adison. She started our family, she is where it all began. With that said, it didn't make it easy to grow up so fast and miss out on years of adolescence. I feel like I really put myself last for so long that I am not sure what it would be like to think of myself before others. There were moments of needing acceptance while trying to be in dependant in the movie that I could totally identify with. I am not sure if anyone who hasn't been through it would have even noticed. I truly felt this character. I loved her quick wit and admired her way of having a solution to all things happening.
I think falling in love when you are 16 years old seems unreal to most people. It even seems silly to me having a teenage daughter that she could meet someone this young who she could spend her life with. But I did. I found someone at the age of 16 who completed me so much, and am lucky enough to still have him at the age of 32.
Go see the movie, you wont regret it. It also has a killer soundtrack.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Best Christmas....EVER!!
The kids actually slept in until 8:00, so Gabe and I had a few hours of sleep before the big day. My parents both came over to watch them open their presents. I was amazed at how truly happy and grateful the kids were. Not even one frowny face when a gift was opened, NOT even when it was underwear!! Everyone seemed to be happy and content. Just perfect.
We went over to my Mom's that afternoon for dinner with the rest of the family, which was equally awesome. After the rough year my Mom had with her health, it was so neat to see her in the Christmasiest of all Christmas moods possible. (Is that even a word? -Christmasiest.....hmmmm....whatever) Gabe went and grabbed the new guitar hero game and xbox 360 Noah got for Christmas, and had the whole family completely enthralled in the game. They were getting as excited watching it being played as the ones playing it. I totally fucked up 'Anarchy in the UK-----what a pitiful punk rocker I ended up being. Looking back on it, I just can't believe what a fucking awesome day it was, especially how I have been feeling lately.
Best parts of Christmas were-
Hearing Noah running up and down the hall after seeing Santa had been here
Zane giving himself whip lash ridding his new horse....he looked as if he were going to fly right off the thing
Addie just being is a rare occasion lately
Watching A Christmas Story 5 times from Christmas Eve until Christmas Day
Staying up with Gabe until 3:00 in the morning putting together toys
Warm apple pie with cheese
Rain boots with skulls
Snowing Christmas Eve until Christmas morning
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Perception of my obsession
It claws at my soul
It consumes me
Oh GOD how it fucking consumes me!!
My every thought revolves around its ever growing existence
If I only I could make it stop
Monday, December 17, 2007
Excited to go to the sneak preview of 'JUNO', but all we got was this lousy t-shirt

After coming to the sad realization that we didn't have anyone to watch the boys, Gabe took Addie for a daddy-daughter date. I was jealous, but super excited to hear Gabe's perception of the movie. Well, after several text message exchanges involving the loooong ass line they were in, no fucking hot chocolate left, and free t-shirts, they were anxious to bid me far well as they were the next in line to be seated.
Sold Out, all full.
What the fuck. Seriously, that was a huge disappointment. At least they got free t-shirts. I guess I will have to wait until it hits the big screen. Like I wasn't going to see it there anyways.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Christmas Music
I came home and put on The Reverend Horton Heats, We Three Kings right away. All Christmas music should be like that. Something you could sing along with, not roll your eyes to. Something you can FUCK to, not make love to, something you can enjoy and not want to stab at your ears with a sharp object. Okay, okay, okay, they are just covers of Christmas classics, but they are sooooo much better.
Bah Humbug!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
My Space Whore
Not much to look at, very basic.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
You'll Never Make It!
Once there, we did a quick wash of the ol' p.t.a. so we could head over to the House of Blues to see Social Distortion. It was kick ass. Social D is always awesome in concert.
Hey Melissa, he was wondering if you want some weed. Inside joke, sorry about that.
Saturday we left for the runners expo where Melissa and I get to pretend we are as awesome as Gabe is and stop at all the booths to discuss marathon training, healthy eating tips, etc., etc. In reality, I am just there to grab as many free samples as I can before thy give me the ol' up and down and realize I am not in any shape to be running a marathon. Hey, wait a minute.....
After that we headed over to the Bodies exhibit. I was very much against going. I get a little dizzy when looking or talking about about medical issues, so the thought of looking at bodies that have been preserved was not all that appealing to me. I was so wrong. It was the most interesting thing I have ever seen. I can not believe what complicated creatures we are. Later that night I got my drink on in the hotel. I really didn't realize how much I had drank until my words were getting a little slurry and I was not making much sense.
The next morning, Gabe left for the marathon, and we packed up so we could meet him at the first cheer spot. Once we met him at mile 7, we were around Freemont Street in the old yucky part of Vegas. There were a bunch of homeless guys yelling stuff at the runners. Our favorites were-
"You'll never make it!"
"Hey, your going the wrong way!"
"I know how long a marathon is!"
"I heard a happy little story about a girl who killed herself"
After the race, we got us some In and Out Burger then hit the road. Needless to say, Melissa and I did not run the Santa 5k we said we would. Like I said.....needless to say!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Virginia is for Lovers
My favorite thing to say was, "Come on Mom, get in your chair, let's push you around some more." There were a few time I let her go down a hill without me holding onto her,
Addie in a tunnel. Not sure why, but whatever.
A close up that isn't so cute, but hey, I have to let you see my not so pretty side ONCE in awhile!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Late Birthday Wish To Me!!
Nikki made me this kick ass cake that was so chocolaty, I thought I was going to die, seriously, DIE from chocolate.
Oh my God, he's a winner
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I can make a difference by.....
written by: Noah Griffith
I was born with 3 chambers in my heart instead of 4. My heart was having problems so the doctors took care of me. I had several open heart surgeries to make me better. Since the doctors at Primary Children's took care of me, I want to help other children.
My plan is to donate books from money I will raise. I will have my family come help me talk to others about what I want to do. I know they would help me because it means a lot to the kids at Primary Children's.
I thought books would be a good idea because I feel like I am in a different place when I read a book. I think the children would enjoy feeling like they are in a different place other than the hospital.
This was Noah's reflection contest entry for literature. He has already started raising money for his cause. If any one else would like to help, please let me know. Everything helps, and it will mean so much to Noah to know that his goal has been accomplished for helping others.
Monday, October 15, 2007
San Diego.... which is German for 'Whales Vagina'
I am just getting right down to it, I am getting right to the point.
Once we got there, I was thumbing through the local publication checking out things to do there, when I stumbled across an ad for a show where a band who call themselves 'The Cured' was doing a tribute show. Sounds good right, since The Cure is the only reason we were in San Diego that night, why the fuck not, right....WRONG!!
I was working off a buzz on the floor while the opening band was performing. They did all 80's cover songs, so it was pretty much like watching live karaoke. Once they were done, I stood up to go check out the front portion of the stage where I pretty much planned on staying to watch 'The Cured' I should have stayed on the floor, or better yet, in my hotel room.
Yes, I am being cynical. What did you expect you say?? Well, if a band exist just to do cover songs of a band which must be a favorite to all members of the band, or else why even be there in the first place, how could they butcher the songs and perform so badly. I know tribute bands are different because they imitate the group, rather than take a song and make it there own, but it was god awful, just plain ass fucked up.
Here is a breakdown of my complaints-
You don't do segways. You do not introduce every song before you play it. You start the music, the the crowd yells and cheers as they recognize what songs is being played. My favorites were- "I was at a concert once and a guy got up on stage and started kissing me, it was really weird." Then they started playing A Man inside my Mouth. Or when he said, "Want to go for a Walk?" Then played A Walk. I can go on and on with each song introduction, but I wont, for my own sake.
You don't dress like the band and try to imitate them. Yes, you are a tribute band and that's what you do, but don't. You just look ridiculous, and can not be taken seriously as a Cure fan, let alone a band if you look like that. BTW, Robert Smith has not worn that much red lipstick since the 90's.
If you are going to try and imitate The Cure, you don't do a costume change. Leaving to put a hockey jersey on is not amusing, even to Cure fans who know why you did it.
Know the lyrics. It is hard enough to get past the complete train wreck in front of you to start singing along, but to drop lyrics and change them during a song is bad....even for you.
Faking an English accent. Need I say more?
I think I will stop now, it is pissing me off more when I think about it. I even ended up being more upset about not seeing The Cure while we were there, which was something I had come to accept before we left. I was excited for Kim though, she was having a good time just taking it for what it was worth, which is one of the many reasons why she is a better person than I am. It was amusing though making eye contact with a girl next to me as we both laughed at the performance and rolled our eyes together at what we were seeing.
I did have a great time there though. It was nice to get away for the day just to play in the ocean and drive around without worrying about much of anything.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Universe Is Against Me
So, why do you ask?? Why is today yet another bad day for me??
I broke my fucking toe. It hurts like a Mother Fucker and I am pissed off.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
10 God Damn Amazing Years!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Back to School, oh Back to School, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool
Monday, August 13, 2007
Argh...the pirate turns three!
Treasure Chest Cake
Pirate Cupcakes
Zane proudly displaying how old he is
Lindsy and Shawndae
Goonie and Nikki
We had roughly 50 people show up to wish the little monkey a Happy Birthday. It was a great time. I love when my kids have a great celebration for their Birthday's. It makes them getting older a little easier to handle.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
This morning on the news I am watching to see if there is any progress on the trapped miners and they introduce there next big story as, "The Mormon Church and there statement on the recent tragedy" HUH????? Ummm, I do believe that all people hope that the trapped miners are alive and will be rescued. That includes religious groups such as Mormons, Catholics, Lutherans, Buddhist, etc.etc., and even...gasp...atheiests. Why the fuck is it a statewide news story that the Mormon church wants to express their sympathy to the families??
There is no diversity here, and I do not believe that the Mormons will ever open their eyes to life outside their 'little happy place' of Utah until a separation between what they believe stops dictating the way this state is ran.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Picture Share
More Pink and a P.S.A. to the Kiddies
Friday, July 20, 2007
I'm a Simpson
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
4 1/2 Stars
I know, I know, as Gabe has said, "Just think about how well you would be doing if you actually had taken it seriously and done the therapy." Always stealing my thunder with his logic. But, that doesn't matter, because this visit today has given my a new outlook on my recovery, one that I really needed. I am excited to get out there and exercise, no matter how much it may hurt, because I know that regardless of my thoughts on this whole process, I have not given myself enough credit for how hard it actually is to overcome major knee surgery.
I have asked my therapist Dave in the past to give me a rating system, because I wanted to be able to tell Gabe on a scale of 1-5, where my progress falls. Well, I am more than pleased to inform you that I received a 4.5 today, my highest score yet!! I didn't receive a perfect 5 only because I have quite a bit of swelling still.
He said that I only have to see him one more time in 6 weeks, then I am cleared and considered well on my way to being normal again, whatever that is!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Cure is Coming, THE CURE IS COMING!!!
Now, the problem is decided where else we are going to see them. We are considering Denver. Santa Barbara, San Diego and L.A. I hope we go to San Diego, I freaking love it there!!
Regardless, great news, THEY ARE COMING!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A picture of a snotty school teacher with a navy blue suit and a tight bun in her hair pointing at a picture of at the female reproductive organ with her pointer stick immediately comes to life in my head every time I hear it. Vagina, it is just ridiculous.
It is a pussy people, a PUSSY!! You can call it a pet name like Cha Chi, Betty, Cootch, Fluffy.....what the fuck ever, but please stop calling it a vagina. It really makes it sound like a dark unwanted place.
(I know it is the proper way to teach a child what their private spot is, but I am an adult now, and I reserve the right to drop all text book lingo and call it something fun!)
Mine is Stormy, for obvious reasons!
Monday, June 11, 2007
We were hoping by changing her hair color it would make her smarter. Only time will tell.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Primary Childrens-Take 2
We were on the air from 12:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.
I was able to make it through the segment where I talked about Noah without crying. Anyone who has heard me talk about Noah knows that I can not make it too far into the story without losing it. I didn't though. Maybe it was the 'deer in the headlights' reactions when they shove a camera and microphone in your face. For those who did not see it, I have it on our dvr, so you can come over and make fun of me! It was an amazing experience though, and I could not have been more proud than to share the story of my 'super hero'.
The hospital raised over 2 million dollars, so it was a great turnout all around. I can't wait to do it next year. For any of you who donated, thank you so much. Until I had Noah, I never knew the impact Primary Children's could have on your life, but I am so grateful for the wonderful care he has received.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Primary Childrens

Monday, May 28, 2007
The kid is adorable AND wearing skulls!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Blue and Pink
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
If I Were......
Skinnier, I could be more confident
If I were.....
Prettier, I would feel like I deserve the love of my husband
If I were.....
A better Mother, I would not get frustrated when things aren't perfect
If I were.....
Done with college, I would have a more rewarding career
If I were.....
Not so down on myself, I might achieve my goals
Only if, I were.....
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
5' 8"
Are you kidding me? How did she go from being my sweet little three year old that couldn't pronounce the letter 'f', to the big emotional wreck she is?
Going back to the mispronunciation- it was SO cute! She used to say
Sork when trying say Fork
Shower when trying to say Flower
etc..., etc... it was adorable!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mothers Day, good or bad, I survived!
I also failed to mention the issue we had with Zane eating raw meat. Saturday we were grocery shopping at Sam's Club and I was grabbing something off a shelf and I looked up to see Zane had a sausage casing hanging out of his mouth saying, "Mmmmm, hot dog" He pulled a raw pork sausage through the plastic wrap and ate it. Oh my God, what do you do, we are talking about RAW PORK! Shit! So I hurried home and called poison control. They assured me that he more than likely would be fine, which he was. However, in the middle of all the chaos with the kids and getting brunch together, Zane was shitting constantly from the laxative we gave him to get the meat out of his system. Good lord, I was not kidding when I nicknamed our children the three ring circus.
Happy Mothers Day to me, Happy Mothers Day to me.......
The kids did make me some awesome gifts, and Gabe once again took care of his pirate wife. You know the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where Captain Jack Sparrow is holding up a jar of dirt singing, 'I 've got a jar of dirt, I've got a jar of dirt' Well, Gabe gave me a big jar of dirt greatly resembling the one from the movie, wrote on it the same saying, and had a gift card shoved inside it. Good God does that man know what I like or what??
For brunch we had-
Cheesy Potatoes
Belgium Waffles w/strawberries and fresh whip cream
Red Velvet Cupcakes (for dessert)
It was quite a day, but I must say, the kids totally redeemed themselves. This morning I was ready to trade them in until tonight when Addie and Noah started playing cute with each other and Zane snuggled up on the couch with me to watch pirates.
Friday, May 11, 2007
You know you want to hit that!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Damn you Rock star........DAMN YOU!!!!
I am seriously kidding about wanting help, you take my fucking Rock Star away, you die, plain and simple!
** Oh, and on a side note---I am eating some popcorn, and I just lost about 4 kernels of it in my cleavage. Getting fat has its perks, its like I have a food storage container, right here on my chest.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Cutest Mom EVER!!
I keep getting funny random phone calls from the four women, only to tell me that my Mom is drunk and hilarious. She tries to get on the phone and convince me otherwise, but her slow slurred speech tells me a different story. It is awesome. I got a call from her friend Tracie yesterday, and she just wanted to tell me the following, "I am on Beaver Street-and I can not find a thing to eat!!" I then asked her if they had any pink taco stands anywhere, then she proceeded to try and convince me that I didn't get her joke. Oh, I am pretty sure I got your joke, I just don't think you got mine.
I can't wait to see her and hear about all the shit she did. I hope she bought me something with a pirate on it, that would totally make my day!
Friday, May 04, 2007
Not doing so good
I was so excited that I was feeling better, I have not been limping, and I have cut my pain meds to just 1 a day instead of 2 every 4 hours. Well, I am back to limping, and the pain and swelling is really bad again.
I am frustrated that it isn't ever going to end. I am beginning to wonder, 'What is the point?' Maybe I am just being a baby, and maybe I have just hit a wall so hard that I actually feel like giving up. Giving up worries me. If anything in life is certain, I have always managed to disappoint myself.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007
When I think about you I touch myself
Reason # 87
It was 90 fucking degrees yesterday in Salt Lake City.
That is fucking ridiculous!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
"Crazy Bastard Runs yet another Marathon"
Today Gabe ran his 6th Marathon. It is the 3rd time he has ran the Salt Lake Marathon, and he got a new personal record. He is fucking awesome, every time I see him run one-I just feel so inspired-that is until we go to lunch after and I forget all about the exercise and healthy eating habits. This is the first marathon ever that I haven't had my trusty sidekick Melissa with me as she is off on sabbatical in Europe for three months. I missed her tons, as it is 'our thing' to watch Gabe run. I took the kids along with my Mom to be the cheerleaders this time. I love having the kids cheer their Dad on. I don't think they have any idea what an accomplishment it is, but they get a kick out of it. I must admit though, it is funner for me to see him run one out of state because I get a free vacation out of it! He is running two more this year, one of them being Vegas in December. Fuck ya! I already have my idea for the sign I am going to make, but I can not post it, as I want it to be a surprise.
#2 Reason Gabe is Amazing.
He knows me more than I have ever given him credit for. He presented me today with the coolest gift ever! It was a pirate basket, all things pirate. It contained some press on tattoos, a patch, some socks, a pair of pirate underwear, a bottle of Sailor Jerry's spiced rum, a mixed cd, and finally, a pirate movie that is just for me him and I. What the fuck? Is that the coolest gift ever?? I have already tapped the rum and am buzzing right now.
What a great day. I paid dearly for all the excitement this morning. I am swollen an ugly, but that's cool-no problem.
Oh, when we got back from the marathon I had just missed my friend June who was coming by for a visit. She dropped off yet another rad gift. They are Sketchers flip flops with skulls and hearts all over them. Seriously, two fucking awesome gifts in one day.....what is a pirate to do?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Bad Idea
Oh Dang!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Dear Knee...
I am frustrated at how you will not move like I want you to. You are swollen and ugly, and quite frankly a HUGE pain in my ass. Well, guess what? I am going to do this physical therapy, and deal with this pain and anger and I will make you my Bitch.
So take that!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Be careful what you wish for
I have-
A snaggletooth
A scar over my eye that would look better with an eye patch over it
A broke ass broke leg, so I limp all over like a peg leg.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Dumb Ass
There is a reason doctors tell you to take it easy and lay down to recover. I decided to go to work yesterday, but only made it four hours before I had Gabe come and get me. Then later that night I tried to go down the stairs like a normal person instead of one stair at a time. Well, big mistake. I had a horrible pain that felt like a burning tear. It dropped me to the ground-it hurt so bad. I iced it all night and elevated it while I slept and woke up not able to move it. My swelling was much worse than the night before, so I was freaked. I had to go back to the doctors and they examined it and did a few x-rays. The operation portion is totally fine, they said it would take a lot more than that to tear the patella from the screws. But I did tear something on the right side of my knee which is bleeding inside causing all the swelling. So basically I am back down with ice and keeping my leg elevated.
This sucks, I wish I weren't such a dumb ass!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Follow Up
I have been pretty hard on myself, but I do have to realize it hasn't quite been a week since I had surgery, and I think I am doing great. They are going to do an x-ray and remove my stitches next Wednesday, so until then I will just continue with the therapy exercises and try to push myself into getting better. I have a really good feeling about all of this, like I am going to be a better person once it is done.
Thanks for all your support, I couldn't do it without any of you.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Knee Surgery
Re-cap of all the events-
Going to sleep- Being put under anesthesia is a very weird feeling. One minute you are awake, the next minute you are in recovery feeling like shit.
Morphine sucks. After the second dose they gave me, I asked them to never give it to me again. It makes you feel uncontrollably tired and nauseous beyond belief. I feel asleep trying to eat a craker while talking to someone.
Slumber Party in the Hospital- Addie and Nikki spent the night with me in the hospital. They were so sweet and helpful, I just love them. The nurses were real cool too, they didn't say anything about them being there, even though everyone on the floor, but me, had to share a room. The girls got to sleep in the hospital bed next to me.
The first meal you can actually eat at the hospital taste fabulous. That's right, an egg salad sandwich at 10:00 at night may have been my best meal ever!
You never sleep in the hospital. I woke up at 2:00 in the morning to pee, and needed a pain pill but didn't want to bother them, so I just laid there hoping I would fall asleep, but didn't! Nikki woke up at 4:00 and stayed up with me. We decorated my TED hose, the cute little white tights they make you wear for a week. We drew all kinds of cute stuff on them like skulls, pirate stuff, flowers, a cute little cow, etc..., etc... I will attach a picture later.
Physical Therapy is so much harder than you think it will be. Sure, when they are teaching you the exercises to do they seem super simple, but fuck me! They are actually very hard! I did far more than they thought I would be able to do the day after surgery, but I was so into proving I could do it all, that I totally forgot about the fact that I would eventually feel it. OMG, did I ever feel it!
Friday was a series of mental breakdowns. I was waiting too long to take my pain meds, as I thought I was too tough too take them as much as they said I should be. I finally realized that taking pain meds was going to be critical in feeling better, as it is impossible to do physical therapy when you hurt so bad to begin with. I told myself I am not weak, and I wasn't going to let it get to me. Pretty much since then I have been doing good.
I have been just laying in bed, watching movies, having visitors and sleeping since Thursday. I am just excited to be able to get out of bed and start moving again. Hopefully I will be a new Heather once it is all done.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Happy Brithday Goonie!!!
Thank you Adykinz for just being you. I love you and hope you have a great Birthday. Don't worry about cheerleading tryouts, you are awesome no matter the outcome!!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Birthday Party Weekend Roundup
1- My children who I adore immensely
2- Gabe's vasectomy
On Friday night we had Noah's which consisted of a sleepover with 5 other children, 3 boys and 2 girls. I obviously didn't think of the intermixing of gender to be such a big deal when I passed out the invites......stupid me!! The girls pretty much just wanted to chase the boys all night, and they just ran away from them trying to play other things. Our house echos really bad, mostly I think because of the lack of decor on the walls to absorb some of the sound. We have always noticed it, but when you add a little girl that screams when she talks, all you can think is, "Good Lord, what the HELL was I thinking!!" I was worried about my house be ruined, but I just kind of shrugged it off with the attitude that they are kids and this is what they do. I only had one activity planned, and that was for them to make their own lasagna for dinner. That was a lot of fun. Noah has this friend named Luca that just moved here from another country. I always hear about how smart he is, that he can speak and write Chinese, write cursive, etc..., etc... Well, he is very polite, so imagine my amazement when finding out he swears like a sailor. We heard words out of that boys mouth like, badass, bitch, and something about an asshole. They were never directed at anyone in particular, more like words that just flow out of your mouth in general conversation. The next morning we woke up and went to see 'Meet the Robinson's' then that was pretty much the end of Noah's party. I am leaving out some major details, but must withhold, as I have no idea who if certain individuals read this blog, and I would hate to offend.
Saturday night we had Addie's sleepover, which I had made plans for us to make a slambook and a project I found to 'Make your own Bathsalts' Neither project happened, they just went off on their own and did their thing. That is cool though, I am glad she had fun. During cake time, a lot of her friends were fascinated with the lighter. What??? Silly Mormons. We heard various funny questions coming from their mouths, none that I can remember though. They woke up around 11 o'clock, ate their cereal and went home. I honestly thought that it was going to be much worse with the 14 year olds, but the 8 year olds turned out to be the monsters.
Today we had the family over for dinner and cake. We had Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas and Salad. It was super yummy. I thought Noah was super cute when he was opening his presents. We would run and jump on people laps to thank them. Addie didn't seem too excited about anything, but the poor girl has soooo much on her mind. She has cheer leading tryouts tomorrow, and it is all she can think about. I have to say though, it was so neat, at least for me, to be able to have the entire family over at 'our house'. It is a first for us, as our last house would not be able to handle it with everyone here.
But, it is all over with now and I survived. I will forget about it next year when I plan a party and will be reminded once I have repeated the same mistakes.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Happy Birthday Noah
I secretly hope he becomes a great tattoo artist, then I can fill my body with his work and walk around telling everyone, "Hey, look what my kid did!" I know, my aspirations for my children are a little troubling at times.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Future Jack Sparrow
New Hair....
Monday, March 19, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Black Leather Jackets
Black Nailpoilsh
Black Lipstick
Pretty Hate Machine
Body Piercings
Dance Clubs
Clove Cigarettes
Making Movies
This list could go on and on, but that is a good start. And for those of you who think that sounds odd, back off, it was some of the best times of my life.
Friday, March 09, 2007
One month ago today....
Here are some beautiful pictures of the 'OUCHY!!'

This one was taken a long time later, after the swelling had gone down and the bruising was starting to go away.
I still have a few issues from the fall, like I have a hard lump in my cheek that doesn't seem to be going away, I don't have feeling in part of my face, and of course, the scar. But overall, I must admit, I looks really great compared to the first time I saw it at the plastic surgeons office.
So no more calling me 'scare face' or 'scar-y', okay??
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Food Find
Disney Birthday Bash Ice Cream
It has the following-
Cake Batter Ice Cream
Hello? Did someone say fabulous?
Buy it, try it, thank me later.
Snow Patrol is soooooooo Awesome!!